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Bezier Surface Plugin: A Must-Have for SketchUp Users Who Want to Create Smooth and Organic Shapes

Bezier Surface Sketchup Download Crackl: How to Create and Edit Smooth Surfaces in SketchUp


If you are a SketchUp user who wants to create and edit smooth surfaces in your 3D models, you might have heard of Bezier Surface Sketchup. This is a plugin that allows you to generate and manipulate various kinds of Bezier surfaces from curves, arcs, circles, and lines. In this article, we will show you how to download and install Bezier Surface Sketchup, how to create a Bezier surface from curves, and how to edit an existing Bezier surface. By the end of this article, you will be able to use this plugin to enhance your SketchUp projects with smooth and organic shapes.

Bezier Surface Sketchup Download Crackl

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What is Bezier Surface Sketchup?

Bezier Surface Sketchup is a plugin developed by Jacob Samuel that lets you create and edit Bezier surfaces in SketchUp. A Bezier surface is a type of parametric surface that is defined by a set of control points and weights. The shape of the surface depends on how these control points and weights are arranged and adjusted. Bezier surfaces can be used to model complex and smooth shapes that are difficult to achieve with standard SketchUp tools.

Why use Bezier Surface Sketchup?

Bezier Surface Sketchup has several advantages over other methods of creating smooth surfaces in SketchUp. Some of these advantages are:

  • It is easy to use. You just need to draw some curves that define the boundary of the surface, select them, and run the plugin. The plugin will automatically generate a Bezier surface that fits the curves.

  • It is flexible. You can modify the shape of the surface by changing its parameters, such as degree, resolution, symmetry, and orientation. You can also edit the control points and weights of the surface to fine-tune its appearance.

  • It is compatible. You can use any kind of curve, arc, circle, or line as input for the plugin. You can also convert any existing face or group into a Bezier surface by running the plugin on it.

  • It is powerful. You can create various kinds of Bezier surfaces with different properties, such as cylindrical, conical, spherical, toroidal, bilinear, Coons patch, Gordon patch, etc.

How to download and install Bezier Surface Sketchup?

To download and install Bezier Surface Sketchup, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to SketchUcation PluginStore and search for "Bezier Surface".

  • Click on the "Download" button and save the file on your computer.

  • Open SketchUp and go to Window > Extension Manager.

  • Click on the "Install Extension" button and browse for the file you downloaded.

  • Click on "Yes" when prompted to confirm the installation.

  • Restart SketchUp if necessary.

You can also download and install Bezier Surface Sketchup from SketchUp Extension Warehouse.

How to create a Bezier surface from curves

To create a Bezier surface from curves using Bezier Surface Sketchup, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw the boundary curves

The first step is to draw some curves that define the boundary of the surface you want to create. You can use any tool in SketchUp to draw these curves, such as Line, Arc, Circle, Freehand, etc. You can also use other plugins that generate curves, such as Bezier Spline, Curviloft, Curvizard, etc.

The number and shape of the curves will affect the type and quality of the surface you will get. For example, if you draw four curves that form a closed loop, you will get a bilinear surface. If you draw four curves that form a cross shape, you will get a Coons patch. If you draw more than four curves that form a network shape, you will get a Gordon patch.

You can also draw some internal curves that define holes or islands in the surface. These curves must be inside the boundary curves and must not intersect with them or with each other.

Here is an example of some boundary curves and internal curves drawn in SketchUp:

Step 2: Select the curves and run the plugin

The next step is to select all the curves that you want to use as input for the plugin. You can use any selection tool in SketchUp to do this, such as Select or Window Selection.

After selecting all the curves, go to Tools > Bezier Surface > Create or Edit Surface or click on the icon on the toolbar. This will open a dialog box where you can set some parameters for the surface.

Step 3: Adjust the surface parameters

The dialog box has several options that allow you to adjust the properties of the surface. Here is a brief explanation of each option:

  • Degree: This determines how many control points are used along each direction (U or V) of the surface. A higher degree means more control points and more flexibility but also more complexity. The default value is 3 for both directions.

  • Resolution: This determines how many segments are used along each direction (U or V) of the surface. A higher resolution means more segments and more smoothness but also more polygons. The default value is 12 for both directions.

  • Symmetry: This determines whether the surface is symmetrical along one or both directions (U or V). If checked, the control points are mirrored across an axis defined by two opposite boundary curves. This option only works if there are exactly four boundary curves.

  • Orientation: This determines whether the U direction or V direction of the surface follows clockwise or counterclockwise along the boundary curves. You can change this option if you want to flip or rotate the surface.

  • Cylindrical / Conical / Spherical / Toroidal: These options allow you to create special types of surfaces that have cylindrical, conical, spherical, or toroidal shapes. These options only work if there are exactly four boundary curves that form a closed loop.

You can experiment with different values for these options until you get the desired shape for your surface. You can also preview the result in real time by clicking on the "Preview" button. Here is an example of a Coons patch created with degree 4, resolution 16, and symmetry checked:

Step 4: Edit the control points and weights


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